Selling a Professional Practice

Professional Practice Valuations


Professional practice valuations, including medical, dental, accounting, insurance and other service industry businesses, are performed for a variety of reasons, including the following:


  • Purchase/sale
  • Partner buy-in or buy-out
  • Retirement planning
  • Divorce
  • Merger with another professional business or practice
  • Partner/stockholder disputes
  • Tax purposes
  • Bankruptcy
  • Litigation support
  • Gift tax purposes


Buying or Selling a Professional Practice

At some point, the professional practice owner will decide they are ready to leave the business or practice. A key employee, or a competitor, may indicate an interest to buy it, or perhaps a son or daughter will take it over.


The professional practice differs from other business types and presents unique challenges. The value of a professional practice is generally the sum of the physical assets and the intangible assets – which are typically the greatest contribution to the practice value. The intangible assets of a professional practice are called ‘goodwill’ and can be difficult to value.


  • If the professional underestimates the value. Professional practice owners who think their practice is worth $X when it is actually worth $2X do not receive value for years of building their reputation and systems.
  • If the professional overestimates the value. Professional practice owners who think their practice is worth $X when it is actually worth $1/2X will create a difficult situation for themselves. They overestimate how much will be available for retirement. They also risk killing the sale of their practice by demanding too high a price.


Valuing a Professional Business

There are dozens of factors that influence a practice value. When a valuation or appraisal is performed by a Murphy Valuation Service expert, the multiple unique factors found in your professional practice will be compared to industry benchmarks and taken into account in determining a professional practice value. Some sample factors are shown below:


  • Profitability
  • Equipment and EHR
  • Fee reimbursement trending and procedure mix
  • Technology advances
  • Staff  (off-balance sheet asset to a professional practice)
  • Payer Mix
  • Financial History
  • Referral Base
  • Personal Goodwill
  • Enterprise Goodwill
  • Hours worked
  • Location
  • Facility
  • Competition


Selling a Professional Practice